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[FRDF]Dikes and water flow

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 17:23
by PJayTycy
FRD wrote:The land on the map can be beneath sea-level, but only when there's some sort of dike. When the dike is removed, the water will flow and submerge the land.
Hellfire wrote:
zuu wrote:Can water levels change without dramatic results? I'm sceptical too that. I think that the sea level have to be prety static.
Hyronymus wrote:
Steve wrote:
PJay wrote:don't allow dikes to be removed if water would flow more than 1 cell inwards. It could be used to flood your opponents network, cities, industries ... Which I would consider cheating.

Nobody except me and zuu have any problems with water flowing inwards if somebody destroys a dike ?

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 17:51
by Hyronymus
Indeed, because in my opinion a dike is owned by the local authority and can't me demolished by a player. And when a dike is owned by a player he should get a severe warning about what he's about to unleash on humanity.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 17:57
by PJayTycy
Ah, I thought of dikes as a part of the landscape. In that case nobody "owns" them.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 18:25
by Hyronymus
Mind you, this is only my idea on the concept dike. I have no clue what the others think (and my thoughtscanner is broken too).

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 19:14
by Zuu
I think my coment was related to wheather.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 19:19
by Steve
I think the user should allow such a change, but perhaps have to pay for any damages caused. I don't think it's us to say how sadistic to let the players.. flooding someone elses route could be considered fun.

A dike could be part of the landscape.. perhaps there could be man-made dikes which would be controlled by towns, requiring a large bribe to get them removed. But there should be no restriction on someone filling in a large crater so they can make a nice dock.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 19:39
by Zuu
Another solution is to don't make any CD between water and buildings/tracks/vehicles, just let it flow downwards a few cells and make gras ground into soil.

optionally Hitten vehicles can brakedown. But then the company that owns the vehicles should automaticly recive a fee from the company that released the water. And the company that released the water should also get its rating droped.

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 23:34
by Hyronymus
What's the use of inflicting pain on your enemy if you will automaticly be punished for it?

About different type of dikes: if the map generates water below the sea-level you would get dikes belonging to the landscape, right? But if you decide to dig a canal you would own the dikes. Might be fair but I think we shouldn't focus too much on the problems with water. You will only want to demolish/move a 'landscaped dike' if you can't build track. But remember that we intend to add more flexibilty to the track laying routine than TTD offers us. It will be more like RRT and 3DTT (right?). Did you ever need to remove water in those games?

Posted: 02 Feb 2005 23:52
by PJayTycy
Hyronymus wrote:It will be more like RRT and 3DTT (right?). Did you ever need to remove water in those games?
Actually, you can't. There are no landscaping tools in those games, but our FRD mentionned landscaping tools.

Can't we just block any landscaping lowering on tiles that border water?

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 08:22
by Zuu
Hyronymus wrote:What's the use of inflicting pain on your enemy if you will automaticly be punished for it?
I think we agree, that you should not cheet by flowing your opponents with water.

But if you use ships you might need make changes to the landscape. To make cannals and such things.

I think it will be pretty anoying if you cant lower land that is next to water as PJayTycy suggested. I think that either we have to have no CD for the water or punish the players that do use land lowering close to water in the wrong way.

Another solution, can be that you must buy the affected land, before you can change the land level, so that the water flows.

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 21:17
by Hyronymus
I think Pjaytycy's solution fits best: just forbid lowering land when it results in surrounding land being flooded. It shouldn't be difficult to check every surrounding tile for flood danger, right?

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 21:32
by Zuu
Would you still be able to move the costal line? (in both directions.)

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 22:01
by Hyronymus
If noone gets killed I guess so.

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 22:02
by Steve
I think stopping any spreading of water is bad. It didn't work for Loco, won't work for us. If we want to create canals, the easiest method is to dig a big ditch and then let the sea fill it in. It could lead to mass disasters, but fining the player and giving a warning beforehand would solve that problem.

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 22:13
by Paranoid Android
Good hustle. But make sure it isn't as ridiculously expensive to move any tile connected to the sea, like in TTD. You shouldn't have to remortgage the Earth just to be able to build a canal.

Posted: 03 Feb 2005 22:18
by Zuu
I agree with steve. (not the part about Loco, as I haven't played Loco.)

Perhaps you can add a test/ghost mode or tool that can check what will be filled if you remove a water barier. Maybe it can be integrated with a what does it cost to do this tool. Add the fees to the total cost of removinga a water barier.

Posted: 04 Feb 2005 03:00
by spaceman-spiff
Not like in lococmotion , not like in locomotion , please not
TTD was much better, everything on same level should get flooded, the player must be carefull, but like Tombe says, it's very expensive in the beginning
What is a pain in the ass in TTD however is that you can not flood something in the middle of the land, you always have to dig a canal to the nearest water and let it flood to the place where you want water

Posted: 21 Feb 2005 19:43
by Steve
Meeting Decisions:

Unsure. Missing from minutes.

Status: Open for discussion.

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 15:48
by PJayTycy
So, the desire to "flood" an area, is the desire to build canals. Right?

Maybe we can force the player to buy all soon-to-be-flooded land. If the flood would submerge other (not-owned) land too, the terra-forming is prevented.

Posted: 24 Feb 2005 16:16
by Steve
That works. Or auto-buy it with a preview mode.

Locked until the DD discussion arrives at this issue.