2TallTyler wrote: 03 Dec 2020 19:44How do your horse cart capacities compare to the real world?
My road vehicles are grossly over-optimistic in terms of capacity - recommendations for a working horse are around 1.5-2x body weight for a day of work so (considering the dray wagon weighs quite a lot itself) the realistic capacity is only around 2t - even the most Dickensianly hard-hearted Victorian would balk at making their horses pull 12t of cargo plus the wagon over a long distance.
(Over short distances, horses can move extremely large weights, the record for Shires is something like 50t from a two-horse team).
Where it gets interesting is railways. On a carefully graded tramway, even a single horse could pull a surprisingly large tram thanks to the lack of friction. While early industrial horse-drawn railways weren't as smooth, they also tended to be built taking advantage of another natural source of motive power: gravity. Loaded wagons travelled downhill and the horses were only used to drag empty ones back up, meaning the limitation was more that of primitive braking systems than what horses were willing to put up with.
That said, the capacities of the early wagons hew more toward the end of their lifespan in the 1850s than the start of it; my open wagon carries 12t but it should be more like 6-7t for something realistic.
There were two drivers for these capacities. One was the same as you have - avoiding the need to build 100 wagons just to keep up with the output of a typical industry. This I think would be better dealt with by an industry GRF to have correspondingly lower outputs for primary industries early on. The second is the pure OpenTTD mechanic of being able to run profitably - as I found out recording my early start videos, once you have infrastructure maintenance enabled and all the costs turned up this can get pretty marginal even before you start tweaking around with base cost newGRFs. (For something I arrived at mostly by accident, I quite like the balance I have currently; it's tough without being so aggressive the only way to succeed is play a 100% optimal game)