Merging complete

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Merging complete

Post by Omnislash »

Owen Rudge's and Transport Forums have successfully merged!

All members, forums, threads and posts have been converted.

Thank you for your support!

Matt Gillard
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Post by orudge »

All the old attachments have been transferred to the new server. However, phpBB 2.0.3 does not have attacthment support built-in, and it will not be included in phpBB 2.2, which should be out next year sometime probably. I am reluctant to use a phpBB attachment mod because it would cause upgrade difficulties. Therefore, I have decided to create a seperate upload script which I will link in to the forums, which you can use to upload files and then reference in your posts. It's not as nice as having built-in support, but it's better than nothing.

Also, please check the Profile section to make sure all the settings are the way you want them to be - the conversion script has left "Always attach my signature" as turned off by default, for example, so you have to click "Attach signature" every time you post a message. If you change the switch in the Profile, you don't have to keep turning it on (but you can turn it off when posting if you want though).

If you experience any difficulties with the new system, please post a message.


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