Trains stuck at red signals

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Trains stuck at red signals

Post by MT3269 »

I forgot all about newer signaling programming until I noticed a heap of trains queued up on a mainline, which were directed to a depot. It took me about 90 minutes of fidgeting before I actually managed to remember that the signals are super stubborn in the game now.

I eventually got the train at the front of the queue moving, by adding a square or two between the depot and the line which enables consists to access the station, and signaling it. I notice that on the mainline, it is slightly darker than the line in the other direction. I had to adjust the digital signals to the other version, and then revert them back to get them moving initially. But for some reason, this dreaded signal seems like it will never turn green on its own (see the image with the bridge over the main line, with the converging track from the nearby station.

The queue was where the track at the south east corner of the image heads north west, just before the junction to access the station. I intend to get the steam consists into the depot to be replaced with electric locos.
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Which signal configuration do I need here to permit this unloved motionless consist to ever be able to turn a wheel again, without having to manually escort it like with all the other consists on this branch line style main line? Babysitting 300 or more consists is not the most practical. It makes sense now as to the minimal income in-game, except for buses, which fortunately don't rely on train signals.
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Re: Trains stuck at red signals

Post by odisseus »

Can you post a saved game?
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Emperor Jake
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Re: Trains stuck at red signals

Post by Emperor Jake »

Looks like you have a phantom reservation on the track with the overpass. (see the darkened sections of rail) This sometimes happens when you change signals or tracks while trains are moving. You can remove it by destroying and rebuilding the track, or by forcing a train to go over it with the ignore signal button (but this ay cause a crash) :)
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